I'm trying to come up with as many topic ideas that I can to find something that I could get invested in for several weeks. Here are some possible ideas:
1) Haunted Places
1) Types of haunted places
1) Schools
2) Hospitals
3) Churches
4) Basements
5) Children's Rooms
6) Inns
2) Haunted Stories
1) What eras are the stories from?
2) Do these stories contain elements that are contrary to what we know to be historically accurate?
3) What makes a place feel haunted?
1) Dark
2) Cold
3) Magnetic fields?
4) Equipment used for hunting ghosts
1) WTF does the equipment actually do?
2) Monsters
1) Supernatural
1) Demons
2) Vampires
3) Ghosts
2) Modern Monsters/ Urban Legends
2) Dark Rituals
3) Slenderman
4) Momo
1) At my younger cousin's school they had to send a letter to parents to warn them about kids getting scared by momo stories and content on YouTube
5) How do modern urban legends start?
3) Scientific/Natural Origin
1) Jurassic Park
2) Zombies
3) Viruses
4) Lochness monster is a dinosaur?
4) Monsters representing social issues/fears
5) Real murders "inspired" by monsters
1) Chucky
2) Slenderman
3) Non-canonical Bible Books
1) Book of Enoch
2) Why are some books not considered canon?
3) Influences of religions on biblical narrative
1) Control?
4) modern holy scriptures
1) Scientology
2) Mormons
4) Interactive Narrative
1) Choose your own adventure books
2) VNs
3) ARGs
1) Unfixed narratives
4) Bandersnatch
1) Why did people think Bandersnatch was so new, when VNs have been around for years?
5) Out-dated Technology
1) Old Arcades
2) Old consoles
2) Nintendo 64
3) PS1
4) Gameboy
3) Old Video Cameras
1) Found footage*
2) Old home footage
3) recorded old TV shows
1) Fake old TV shows that get put on YouTube as spooky ARGs and stuff
4) *Found media
1) Found Books
2) House of leaves
3) scarfolk anual
6) Villains
1) Queer coding villains
1) Why does it happen?
1) In the past society viewed homosexuality as deviant?
2) Queer folks 100x more interesting? (sorry @ the straights)
Notable Examples
Ursula based on the drag queen Devine
Scar gay af (my problematic fave)
2) Are there any villains who sort of had a point tho?
7) Disabled Accessibility