Although I know we weren't supposed to pick teams early, I knew I'd probably be working with Newt before the semester started (sorry Adam.) There are some genuine reasons for this. One: Newt is my best friend. Two: we decided to go to university together hoping we'd be able to set up our own studio one day. It made sense to use our last year as an opportunity to do this. I know that we could have done this without being in a team - and I did consider working on my own - but I also know I work well with Newt (which is reason three.) I remember being 16/17 and after school going to each other's houses to make visual novels. For our final year, we both hoped to get back some of that old magic.
We joined up with Bayley a little later on. Bayley has more coding knowledge than us and we liked her goblin clean-up game. I thought it would be a cute game to work on, plus Bayley already had a prototype for the main mechanic. We had to present 3 ideas to the class so we picked Bayley's janitor game, my monster time game and then we came up with a game idea together. You can read about it here.
Here is the presentation that we ended up showing to the class.
The Janitor game ended up getting a better reaction form the class. We discussed as a team whether we'd want to continue working on a game together after university, and since we did, we thought it would be better to go with the game that people liked more.