As mention in Marketing, MECHANICS FOR JANITOR GAME and Level Design my main roles in the group are marketing, mechanics and level design. Although our roles in the group are flexible and we all think it's best to chip in and help as much as possible there has been more role designation to help things run more smoothly.
I tend to prefer 2D art, but I have wanted to improve my 3D skills. I don't think I'm at a level to do detailed work, so it was quite handy for me to work on level design which uses more simple shapes. I could have used things with clay and paper (I really enjoy working with traditional media) but it was more helpful for the group if I used blender so we could test camera placement. Plus this was a way for me to work on my 3D skills.
I struggled to create level designs as I couldn't visualize what the player would do. I wasn't sure if the mechanics were just what had been shown in Bayley's prototype or if we were developing them. I created some infographics with possible mechanics. Even if these didn't end up getting included it helped me begin to visualize the types of rooms the player would be in. In these infographics I cerated little mini-maps, which also helped with visualization.
I really enjoy my role in marketing our game. Nobody else in the team is really interested in this, so it made sense of me to take this role on. I'm excited for semester 2 when we can also begin to market our end of year show. I really hope that COVID doesn't stop us being able to have our London show.
I liked creating surveys and figuring out our target audience. I think this will help us with figuring out how to market our game.
I want to create a posting schedule for our social media accounts and to find a website that allows us to schedule posts in advance. If some weeks are slower than others it would be helpful if we had content ready in advance, otherwise inconsistent posting may affect our social media growth.